Wat zijn CBD pouches?

What are CBD pouches?

CBD has been on the rise in recent years. This substance is produced in the cannabis plant and has a number of positive effects on the body for many people. That is why more and more people feel t...
Snus en deelnemen aan het verkeer

Snus and participate in traffic

  Snus and join the traffic. Many people wonder if this is possible. To answer this question, we look at the relationship between tobacco and traffic as well as between nicotine and traffic. Both ...
Snus effect: Wat is het effect van snus?

Snus effect: What is the effect of snus?

What effect does snus have? When you start using nicotine pouches you may feel a slight tingling on your gums. This happens because your body absorbs the nicotine. Nicotine pouches with a mint flav...